Community Acupuncture In Michigan
Emily has been a Board-Certified Acupuncturist in Michigan since 2010. Several years ago, she introduced the first-ever community acupuncture program into a hospital setting in Michigan. Along with affordability, community acupuncture promotes collective healing in a group setting. She has since opened her own Wellness Center in downtown Utica, Michigan, where she continues to see patients both privately and in a community setting.
Community Acupuncture is performed with a group of people in a shared space. This type of therapy uses small, fine sterile needles that are placed in the hands, feet, head and ears to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism.
*It is recommended but not required that a new patient come first for a private session. This will determine if you are best suited for a community acupuncture setting.
Michigan Community Acupuncture
What: Michigan Community Acupuncture Treatments
Where: Michigan TCM Wellness Center
45163 Cass Avenue
Utica, MI 48317
When: Thursdays 12-4pm
Community Acupuncture visits are approximately 20-30 minutes.
$60 New Patient
$50 Return Visit
Call 586.221.0650 to schedule an appointment!
The community acupuncture method is designed for people to receive treatment in a group setting. Acupuncture is performed in a large quiet, common room with people sitting in reclining chairs. This style of acupuncture uses points on the hands, feet and head to treat problems anywhere in the body. With this approach less time is spent on interviewing the person and tongue and pulse diagnosis are used to determine a treatment plan. Community acupuncture allows treatments to be more affordable and accessible to people. Acupuncture is an ongoing healing process, and usually requires a series of treatments from once a week for four weeks to every other week for 2 months. On your first visit, your practitioner will suggest a course of treatment based on your individual condition. The practitioner will inform you if your condition warrants more specific attention and is not suited for community acupuncture.
The group setting has benefits beyond just affordability. Many people find a group treatment promote a powerful collective healing energy and alleviates some of the isolation associated with illness. This setting makes is easy for friends and family to come in for a treatment. Patients stay as long as they like. The “right” amount of time varies for each person and you will discover after a few treatments just how much time is right for you. Treatments take 20-30 minutes depending on the person’s condition being treated.
Many people can benefit from community acupuncture. Anyone experiencing fatigue, insomnia, stress, tension, anxiety, mild depression, hot flashes and side effects of cancer treatments such as neuropathy, nausea and vomiting are just a few symptoms that this method may help. I will inform you at any time if I feel your condition warrants more specific attention and is not suited for community style acupuncture.
Clinic Guidelines
Please wear loose comfortable clothes, so as to have easy access to your elbow and knee area. Tank tops and button-down shirts are helpful. You may eat something light at least two hours before your treatment. Please refrain from wearing strong scented oils, perfumes, and colognes as some of our patients have allergic sensitivities. You may want to wear earplugs or headphones to reduce any noise and for complete relaxation. If you have a time limit on your visit, please inform the acupuncturist or receptionist so as we can keep track of the time for you during your treatment. When you feel that your treatment is complete, open your eyes and give the acupuncturist a nod so as not to disturb other people during their treatment. If your eyes are closed, we will think you are asleep and will not wake you. Please take all personal belongings with you into the treatment room. Please turn OFF your cell phone.
The calm atmosphere in the community room exists because our patients create it by relaxing together. To help us maintain this environment, we ask that you please speak in whispers and do not socialize with others while you are in the room. If you would like to speak to a practitioner one-on-one at any length, please schedule a private session.
Thank you for your cooperation!